The Foyer Deal

Foyer Oxford works because we make a commitment to each other to do what’s needed for you to succeed. We call this the ‘Foyer Deal’ – a something for something agreement that you help us put together. This can be flexible, and case managers will work with you to plan and achieve your goals as part of the deal, but some things are the same for everyone.

Your side of the deal is that you’ll need to:

  • Be able to self-care, self-manage and live independently; 
  • Keep in regular contact with your case manager, and respond to them when they get in touch;
  • Be willing to connect with support programs to further develop your "adulting" skills and work towards financial independence;
  • Be motivated to maintain engagement with Employment, Education or Training at a full time capacity;
  • Meet the obligations of a normal lease, including paying your rent on time, and keeping your apartment clean, tidy, and safe;
  • Follow a few house rules, designed to maintain a positive, aspirational community, and;
  • Be a positive community member in Foyer Oxford, and in Leederville.

Apply to live at foyer